2021 New Year’s Resolutions


Happy New Year’s Eve everybody!! So excited for the new year. I think this year’s celebration is going to be more exciting than any other although I think most of us will just be taking it all in at the comfort of our own homes. Covid has effected us all and I think the new year brings hope to putting this in the past and looking forward to better and healthier future by making New Year’s Resolutions!

I think this year has taught us all so much. Bettering ourselves is something I think we all strive for after everything 2020 brought to us. A healthier lifestyle and more at home activities is great thing to aim for in 2021. I have complied several different New Year’s resolutions I am making myself but you can also follow along! 

I personally really like New Year’s Resolutions because it reminds us to set goals and aim to be better. Resolutions can also be fun reminding us to step out of our comfort zone and try something new. They can range from serious to light hearted. One personal goal my husband and I have this year is to pay off all our debt. Instead of just saying we want to do it, I think it is also important to put action behind it. So, we have calculated how much we have to put in to our loans every month and created a budget to make that happen. 

A fun resolution I have this year is to grow a garden. This is something I have always wanted to do but am not very good at. This is something I really enjoy but struggle with since Trevor and I are always moving. This year our goal is to start a container garden so we can move our soil and plants with us. We are also planting with fun an unusual plants such as brewers hop. This helps my husband and myself interested and excited about our plants so we don’t forget to water them or neglect them. 

Having a mix of fun and serious resolutions helps to keep yourself more interested since some our things you really enjoy and help to keep the pressure off the ones that are more serious. It’s a balancing act. Don’t exhaust yourself by only having intense, high priority goals.

Also it’s okay to only have a few resolutions. Having a large amount can be overwhelming and impossible. Pick a couple and really focus on them all year long. Create plans and a time line. Your goals don’t all have to be for the whole entire year. Make it realistic. My gardening goal will only be a summer thing not an all year long endeavor.

Here are a couple ideas for you to start off the year right:

2021 New Year’s Resolutions


Run More

Photo Callage

In 2021 I will Run More! I love running and want to set so many running goals this year and crush them all! A few goals I have for my running resolution is to race more. I have never ran a half marathon so that is a must in 2021! I also want to run more with other people. They will help me stay accountable and help me to enjoy training a little bit more! I am joining the all women’s club phat girls. Look them up because there might be a club near you! Here are some running products to start off this New Year’s Resolution!


Better Skin Care

Product display

In 2021 I will be better about Skin Care. I love taking care of my skin but their are so many at home facial tools that I could be better at using. I want clear healthy skin this year so I am going to stick to a routine and see better results. The Beauty Counter Charcoal Cleansing bar is my go to facial cleaner. I use it twice a day with Vanity Planet’s facial cleansing brush. My routine continues with toner, moisturizer, and vitamin C serum. 

Twice a week I use Vanity Planet’s Facial Steamer before I apply the Beauty Counter Charcoal Facial Mask. Microdermabrasion is healthy for clearing away dead skin cells and encouraging new growth. I do this once a week by either using SDARA Microneedle or Vanity Planet’s Microdermabrasion Wand. On my wish list is Vanity Planet’s Lifting and Exfoliating Wand. 


Grow a Garden

In 2021 I will grow a garden. Everyone wants to have a green thumb. This year I will grow a garden or at least attempt too. I found this new website called Uncommon Goods that has a ton of cool and fun products. These gardening seeds encourage gardening to be fun! I just received the Lolipop seeds in the mail and can’t wait to plant them. I gave my husband the hop seeds for Christmas and we are excited to see them grow!


Become More Organized


In 2021 I want to become more organized. Kitchen organization or closet organization it doesn’t matter. Just less clutter more clarity! In all honesty, I really enjoy reorganizing my kitchen or closet. Where I really struggle though is the storage closet, you know the place where you don’t always use the things you have. That’s where I’ll need to focus on the most!


Get Toned


In 2021 I will get toned. I have always wanted abs and tight, toned booty. That is what I am working towards these next couple winter months so when summer hits I will be ready for swim suit season. Having all the equipment though isn’t always enough for me. Maybe for a week or two I’ll be excited about it but it won’t stick. For me, with this goal, a plan and motivator is what it is all about.

That motivator for me is Pamela Reif. I just found her Youtube where she has multiple different workout videos. I find her workouts effective and almost addictive. My goal to get more toned is because of her and her workouts. I find that it might now be possible with her help. Over on her Instagram she creates helpful workout plans with her videos. 


Have Cleaner House


In 2021 I will have a clean house. Or hopefully cleaner than before, haha. Getting on a cleaning schedule I think will help to stay organized and not miss some of the cleaning projects we forget about like dusting and washing the mirrors. Vacuuming has become less of a chore and more fun now that I have the Dyson 7 which is cordless and so easy to use, even my husband likes vacuuming now hehe. Next on my list is to get this steam mop to keep my hardwood floors clean!


Become a Boss Babe


In 2021 I will become a boss babe! My blog has meant so much to me and I can’t wait for the new year to continue to build and grow my influence. Starting and owning my own business has been so empowering and I love the feeling of becoming a boss babe! This year have so many goals to conquer. I have learned so much since I started working with LikeitKnow.it and Rewardstyle back in January. I want to continue to grow through my website and other social media platforms. Let’s all make this year the year of the Boss Babes!


Eat Healthier


In 2021 I will eat healthier. 2020 has led us all to eating at home more so I might as well start using healthy cook books to eat better with cleaner ingredients. Ways we have started to do this is by subscribing to Butcher Box for organic meat. We love the cuts of meat and that taste is amazing! I have ordered some new cook books and can’t wait to incorporate the meat into the recipes. This resolution should hopefully help me carry out all the other ones as I should feel better and have more energy by eating more healthy. 


Thank you so much for reading!! I wish you all a safe and happy New Years! Trevor and I are ringing in the New Year with some close friends and Karaoke, it will be my first time. Wish me Luck! Let me know what you all are doing in the comments below!!

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I'm Alex Blum! I'm a fashion and beauty blogger sharing the latest trends, outfit ideas, and sale alerts.

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God is within her she will not fall. ~ Psalm 46:5